Presenting the
Amazing New Doctor Shoal
Mega-Mammary Injector System 2000!
Doctah Shoal invented it.

I can't remember why...
maybe he will drop by to tell me...
and help me take it off...
it's really REALLY HEAVY!
Night Nurse at Hollydale General Hospital Clinic and Beaver Taming Salon
Oh no. I don't like these. They look very dangerous .. plus they're giving my flashbacks to my alien abduction.
Frowsey's abduction?????
That explains a lot ((smile))
.... and might I say, Ahhh OOOOOO GAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!
Leave it on for a while
Hi Drowsey....did the aliens probe you?
OOOPS! ha haaaaaaaa (DROWSEY'S)
I seem to remember Drowsey was with an alien and Evil IS all starting to make sense now!
Did Doctor Shoal receive a Porn Bailout from Speedy Nutrajoint? ;)
Frowsey...Frau-zee?...dat iz Drowsey's German sistah?
Ms. MP....I have NO idea!
The porn bailout was blown out by the methane bursting bags of Mary Jim Carey .... Kaaa POWWWWWWW!!!
pop po pop ....... Kaaaaaa
P O W !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's The Doctah? I need him. STAT!
ok.... I'll help take that heavy apparatus off now
He needs his mailbox open ....
He does does he?
Well, I guess you'll do....please help me.........
what about my OATH ???
remember......WHY did Doctah Shoal invent this thing anyway????
What about it? It's in the oath box!
but of COURSE!!!!!!!
we are making coffee creame????
The oath box, the oath box, fun for a girl and a boy!!
crickets ........
chirp chrip
I seem to have lost my sense of humor! OH NO!!!!!
Maybe it's this damn heavy BRA!
Ohhhhhh ..... I saw it in the oath box!
I'll go get it (((smile)))
Looks like the Nurse has been off duty when Speedy Nutrajoint Bailed out Mary Jim Carey for Titillating Tuesday and Wordless Bra Wednesday?
If you see any spare brain cells, I'll take those too!
I just saw the brooch!!!
I saw the brooootchie too!
... it was on the waistline?????
Mary's Boob Bailout Brooch draw men to her and your Weapon of Mega-Mammary Destruction looks ready to poke their eyes out! ;)
Good thing I'm wearing glasses
Safety Glasses?
Nahhh, I am a renegade. I wear paper glasses I made with a napkin and some bottle glass. -4 diopter correction is at the bottom of every 7-UP
Going to sleep with my helmet on!
Goodnight Huggans .. Goodnight Moneypenny!
On that glass paper note, time for me to say Gooodnight, Speedy John-boy! :)
You are a renegade....I never knew that about 7-Up! WoW!
Well, I have no idea what all those comments were about--ha ha ha ha!---oh well nothing new there! They were fun to read anyway.
(Why is Speedy singing the slinky song?---ha ha ha ha ha ha!) :D
That thing you are wearing looks mighty uncomfortable nurse! I hope someone rescues you from it soon.
Thanks for the laughs here. :)
those look like they could do some serious damage!
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